Time for reading: 3 minutes
The transition from lower to upper school is a fun and exciting time for students, but it can also be stressful and the source of anxiety. They are filled with questions about their new English groups, teachers, older kids, and new subjects just to name a few. The adaptation trip is a perfect start their years together in upper school. For the first time the group is together and new friendships are established.

By the time the end of September comes around most of the nerves and stress have eased. The students are learning upper school is less frightening than they once thought. It is a transition into more independence and educational responsibility. They are given more freedom during break times and are expected to keep track of their assignment deadlines and schedule. Most students embrace the change and are happy to show they can be trusted with more mature themes and responsibilities.
At the end of the second month the first projects and tests have been completed while the new habits of upper school are starting to form. With the new routine and expectations being clear and easy enough to meet, the transition time ends. They will then go through the rest of the year with new friends, more confidence in themselves and a new excitement about the years to come.
Read about their experiences from the first month
Before I was supposed to go to upper school, I was scared because I thought it was going to be really hard and that I’m not going to get along with B group. Well, I was wrong, but also right. I mean we have a lot of tests. Upper school is great because we get more freedom! We get to go out of school at lunch break. Now I think is really good because it teaches us that we have to manage our time and that no one is going to do it for us. Also, we get to be on our phones more, and we get to buy snacks. Also, the hallway is way better. It’s more chill and better to study. The teachers are amazing and chill. I made more friends by B and A getting connected. Well, in conclusion upper school is great and I don’t know why I was scared to go here.
First, before upper school I was anxious and partially scared because of A and B classes combining. Second, I like upper school more that lower school quite a bit. Also, I like it more because you get to use your phone more and go outside during lunch. I also like the new subjects because before we went to upper-school we only had 5 subjects. Also, the teachers are cool and easier to learn with and have conversations with. After a few weeks of upper school, I realized that upper school is chilling it’s better. In my opinion upper school is better and I get more knowledge.
Last year I was in 5th grade now I am in 6th grade. 6th grade is super because we can have phones at breaks. We have more classes like biology and physics. Teachers are great. We have more homework than before but it’s not hard. I like upper school I hope that we will have lots of fun. FEELINGS: When it was last day of summer break, I was so nervous to go to 6th grade. After one month of school, I realized it is so nice to be in 6th grade. I AM VERY HAPPY!
I really like 6th grade because we are more trusted by the adults. The change was really big. I was a little bit scared that the older kids would bully us. But everybody is nice to us. The best thing about upper school is that everybody is nice and kind to us and when we need help anytime you can find someone who will help.
Upper school is better because we can have our mobiles more and before lunch we can go outside. I use that time to play football with boys or go to a shop and buy some sweets. At first I was kinda nervous about combining 5A and 5B but adaptation really helped us to make some sort of bond. Now, I’m happy that 5A and 5B combined because we used to fight a lot but now we are friends. I like our new subjects and new teachers, my favorite teacher is our English teacher Kat. Even though we have more things to do I really like upper school.